Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October 7 - 9, 2011 Bama - v - Vandy

 Tanya, Tim, Dottee and Mollee --  Getting in the car, Tanya and Tim go through the  mental checklist and realize that they do not have the tickets.  Where is Nephie when we need him?  Tanya went back in for the tickets and found the basket of towels and laundry for the RV.  Gee, we miss Nephie 

Finally on the road and before Leeds, the traffic stops!  It was slow for about 30 more more  minutes.  It took forever to get to T Town.  Tim washed the RV upon arriving at the RV storage site.  Tanya went for ice.  Pattie and Ivan are already in TTown and are going to the pep rally and bon fire.  We are grilling burgers at the RV so Tanya picks up supplies at Nephies apartment.  We get the RV set up an are grilling when Ivan, Pattie and Jonathan return from the bon fire.
 Amy once again joins us spends the night at the RV.  Morning comes and the coffee is ready.  Tanya opens the cabinet and the bag of coffee fall out and hits Amy in the head.  Mollee jumps on the bed and gives Amy a kiss.
Tim goes for a bike ride. Amy goes to Nephie for a shower. Tanya makes Timz dogzs. Jonathan drops off breakfast. YUM, Chick Fil A.

Nan and Melaine arrive and are soon off to the parade. Janis and Randy arrive. Tanya continues to make Timz Dogz. Finally, Ivan, Pattie, Sharon, Larry and Jonathan arrive. Tanya takes the pups for walk. James, Leah, and Amy arrive. Tim returns from the bike ride and Tanya returns from the walk to the dogs. We began watching football and snacking. It is a beautiful day.

Janis, Randy, Hunter and Brianna and roommate return from the parade. Let the grilling begin. Bring Burgdorf, Mollee and lots of his Vandy friends visit the tailgate. Anne P, Debbie and son arrive. There is much food that there is no need for Anne P to cook food.

James and Tim fly a kite.

Tim bought 2 tickets to the game and has donated them to the Veterans Tics website. he is coordinating the pickup.

Julie arrives. Nan's chicken dip and brownies are a hit. Mary Catherine joins the party. Finally it is game time. Tim and Tanya ride the bikes to the game, park the bikes but no bike lock. Tanya sprints back to the RV for the lock. Janis, and Randy stay at the TV and watch the game. Bama wins 34-0. Allie is 51- 9. Whoo Hooo. After the game, the military personal who received the tickets came by the RV. A great way to honor their service to our country.

Anne P's college roommate and friend came by to visit. Taylor also came by after the game. Everyone helped put away the chairs, awning and rugs. That is a huge help.



Sunday morning, Nephie returned the Caddie and James picked up his grill.  Tim went for breakfast.  The cleanup went smoothly.  Fuel for the RV, only $60.YEA!  Nephie met us at the storage site. No problems dumping and storing.  No problems on the way home.

Ole Miss is next and then back to TTown for UT week.  WhooHooo.